
The following information contains the legally required information on the provider identification as well as important legal information on the internet presence of BeamXpert GmbH.


The provider of this website is BeamXpert GmbH in the legal sense.

BeamXpert GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 3, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone +49 30 40 36 69 720
Fax +49 30 40 36 69 729
E-Mail info(at)

Court of Registry: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Register number: HRB 192654

Registered capital: € 25,000


BeamXpert GmbH is represented by the managing directors Dr. Bernd Eppich and Dr. Guido Mann.

VAT identification number

The VAT identification number of BeamXpert GmbH is: DE 815738540.

Legal notes on copyright

The layout of the website, the used graphics and other contents are protected by copyright.

Responsible for content according to § 55 para. 2 RStV: Dr. Guido Mann (address as above)

Concept, design, programming & realization

eSpark - Marketing & Webagentur Berlin
Zentrum für IT & Medien
Am Studio 2
12489 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 / 346 461 850
E-Mail kontakt(at)

Photographic reference

All photos Use Cases (Collimation of Diode Laser Radiation, Fiber Coupling, Frequency Conversion):
Rights of use are reserved by Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik
Photographer: Bernhard Schurian,

Fotolia - Male Game Developer works on a Level Design on His ... - Gorodenkoff
Fotolia - Disco laser light show - Soonios Pro
Pixabay - stone-age-computer-2414017 - anaterate
Pixabay - human-3509144 - geralt
Pixabax - nature-3335678 - tweetyspics
Pixabay - contact-us-2993000 - Tumisu
Pixabay - laser-288611 - LoggaWiggler
Shutterstock - startup business people group working as team to find solution to problem - dotshock
Icons - eSpark